Weight Loss tips - Food That Could Help You Lose Weight

Weight Loss Tips

Chillies can increase your metabolism (see below).

If you want to lose weight and keep the weight off, these weight loss tips show you that certain foods are good to include in your daily food intake, while you need to be more restrictive with others.

  • Avoid “light-versions” of food. They may have less fat but this is usually replaced by a very high sugar content to improve flavour. High sugar consumption is bad news for both your health and your weight.
  • Flavoured yogurts – low-fat or not – contain a lot of sugar. Buy full-fat natural yogurt, or soya or coconut yogurt, and add fresh berries instead.
  • Fruit is nutritionally really good for us but also contains a fair amount of sugar. It is best to be somewhat restrictive with your fruit intake if you are trying to lose weight. Berries have the lowest amount of sugar, are packed with antioxidants and are a good choice of fruit for anyone watching their weight - followed by apples, plums and pears, which are also good choices. All dried fruit and fruit juices have a high sugar content.
  • Avoid white bread and pasta made with refined white flour as much as you possibly can. All refined food, including white rice, are bad news for both your weight and health. It’s a good idea to cut down on bread altogether.  The types of bread that will affect your weight the least are pumpernickel bread, followed by sourdough bread.          
  • Bread will make you put on weight much more than pasta. Again, choose wholegrain pasta over white pasta. I buy a wholegrain spelt pasta which is so delicious. It’s not going to do you any good, of course, if you cover your pasta with a cream & cheese sauce. Try my Oven-Roasted Tomato Sauce it is delicious and also healthy.

Weight Loss Tips - Tips For Losing Belly Fat

Pomegranate can help to reduce belly fat

If you are looking for information about how to lose belly fat, some of the following weight loss tips are especially good for you.  

  1. Fill up with vegetables and fruit that are packed with high levels of antioxidants, such as berries, dark green leafy vegetables and tomatoes. Studies by Fujita Health University in Japan found the lower your antioxidant levels, the higher your levels of tummy fat.
  2. Soya food may also help to reduce tummy fat. In trials from University of Virginia, women given just one soya drink a day after menopause lost tummy fat while women denied the soya didn’t.
  3. Eat chillies to increase your metabolism. Chillies are incredibly healthy. They contain high levels of beta-carotene - a powerful antioxidant - and also vitamin C, potassium, dietary fibre and iron. And capsaicin, the basic compound in chillies, may speed up your metabolism and your ability to burn calories.
  4. Pomegranates can also help to reduce tummy fat. Scientists at Edinburgh University found that people who drink pomegranate juice every day developed less tummy fat cells compared to those who don’t. And according to scientists in Israel, drinking 120ml of pomegranate juice a day for a year decreases the size of fatty cholesterol build-ups in the heart arteries.
  5. Eating a grapefruit at every meal appears to boost weight loss. Scientists attribute this to its ability to reduce insulin levels, which in turn helps to reduce appetite and calorie intake.
  6. Chickpeas have been found to be good at helping with weight control. In a recent study, adults who ate 100g of chickpeas each day for four weeks ate fewer processed snack foods and felt fuller than when they didn’t include chickpeas in their diet.
  7. The fatty acids in olive oil can make your body burn food faster in the period after you have eaten it, according to dieticians at McGill University in Quebec. Olive oil encourages the body to raise its metabolism and expend calories.
  8. Japanese researchers report that vinegar helps us to burn fat. It seems that the acetic acid in vinegar switches on genes that make fat-burning enzymes spring into action, boosting the metabolic rate and helping to suppress the accumulation of body fat. Other studies have shown that vinegar-taking mice also had lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Add a tablespoon of cider vinegar to a small glass of water and/or make a delicious vinegar and olive oil dressing to add to your salad.
  9. Eating plenty of low-GL (glycemic load) carbohydrates will help you lose weight To see a list of these carbohydrates, click on 9/1 - Low-GL Calories.
  10. Drink a cup of black or green tea (without milk) with a meal containing carbohydrates. These teas interfere with the enzymes that break down carbohydrates, slowing their digestion and reducing insulin levels, but also cutting the calories you absorb from them by up to a quarter.

If you can manage it, try to eat within an 8 - 10 hour window, giving your body 14 - 16 hours of fasting. The longer the period of fasting is, the better it is for both your weight and health. 

MY final weight loss tip is to make sure that you are fully nourished by eating a varied diet. Your body needs a wide variety of nutrients to function properly - which include that for weight loss all important metabolism! Healthy Weight Loss Diary

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